Monday, June 13, 2011

Almost baby time!

I know I've been a bit of a slacker again but it has been INSANE around here! My family was in from Texas all last week, we had my baby shower last Sunday (6/5) and my great-uncle passed away on 6/5.

It was great getting to spend time with my family and I'm happy to say they are MOVING up here right around the time that Zachary is due! I'm so excited that he will get to see them more than 3-4 times a year!

My shower was wonderful... there were a ton of people here and everyone was VERY generous! We got our travel system, pack 'n play, 2 swings, a ton of clothes, diapers plus a lot of other stuff. I was very overwhelmed. And it was the ONLY time in my entire life that all 5 of my siblings were together in one house. I am the oldest of 6 - 4 of my siblings share the same father and 1 (a brother) shares the same "mother" (if you can call her that). It was amazing and I was thrilled to have us all together!

As I mentioned, my great-uncle passed away after a 15 year battle with heart problems. His death was really unexpected though... we thought the doctors had everything under control with medication and his pace-maker but I guess his body had just had all it could take. Uncle Archie, you will be VERY missed and I am extremely sad that Zachary will never get to meet you.

I am SICK of being pregnant! Thank goodness I only have 4.5 weeks to go!!

As usual, I will leave you with new pictures!

Me & my best friend (& shower hostess)

Zachary's bed is finally made!!

I think someone is a little jealous! lol

All of my brothers & sisters - ranging in age from 5-24 (me)

shower decorations.... Tasha did an amazing job!!!

Baby survey!

How far along?: 35w, 4d
How big is baby?:
large canteloupe (19-22in, 6ish pounds)

Weight gain/loss?: +30 punds
Stretch marks?:
I look like a wild animal got a hold of my belly :(
Maternity clothes?:

Sleep?: eh... not so much
Food cravings?: Fruit!

Gender?: Still a boy.
Movement?: this kid is going to be the death of me! He keeps sticking his little feet out on my side and it's really painful!
Belly button?: looking rather strange these days but still in

What are you looking forward to this week?:
spending time with my stepsons and Father's Day on Friday


  1. Ahh!! SO excited for you Insy!!!!

  2. So sorry to hear of your Great-Uncle's passing. Mine passed in March shortly after we celebrated my nephew's 5th birthday.

    Horray for being in the home stretch! Can't wait to see a post ending with pics of Zachary!
