Saturday, July 16, 2011

Still no baby.

I think he wants to stay in there forever. I am not a happy mama right now. I went back to the dr on Thursday, which was also my EDD and had still not made any progress. I cried for over an hour... especially after he said if I don't go on my own, it will be another 2 weeks before he will induce me. I think he hates me. So here I am... hot, miserable, cranky and over-due.

Then my grandma, who is a nurse at the hospital where I will be delivering (the only hospital for an hour), calls this morning to tell me to cross my legs and not let him come out. Why? Apparently everyone else is having babies and the L&D unit is over capacity... 16 beds and 17 new babies. Awesome.

No pics this week... I'm too lazy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Will it be this week?

Doubtful. 39 weeks, 4 days and he refuses to come out.

I saw the OB last Wednesday and had made NO progress so he was kind enough to strip my membranes and I will say that hurt like hell. It was at that moment that I decided drugs would definitely be necessary to endure childbirth. I was extremely crampy for the next few days then early Saturday morning, I started having regular contractions. Every 5 minutes for 5 hours so I finally decided to head to L&D. Yet again, I had made no progress. They gave me something for pain and sent me on my way.

I want a new cervix. This one doesn't work!

I'm really starting to get scared that my cervix won't cooperate and I will have to have a c-section. I really hope that isn't the case but I guess we will see. Thursday is my EDD and I go back to the dr that day so we will see what he says.

How far along?:39w4d
How big is baby?:
Watermelon (19-22in, 7lbs)

Weight gain/loss?: +30.5lbs
Stretch marks?:
I look like I’ve been attacked by a wild animal
Maternity clothes?:
Definitely… and even some of those don’t fit

Sleep?: I have been sleeping much better the last few days

Labor signs: He’s dropping and I’m having contractions but not dilating
Food cravings?: Fruit

Gender?: Still a boy.
Movement?: yes and it hurts
Belly button?:
still in but getting smaller and very flat looking
What are you looking forward to this week?:
hopefully finding out when this baby will come out, if he won’t come on his own

Sunday, July 3, 2011

He will come out, eventually

Yup... we are at that point. 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant with no signs of impending labor. Holy cow, I'm tired of being pregnant! I'm VERY anxious to meet my little man and definitely ready for my body to be my own again. I know he has to come out of there eventually so now we play the waiting game. As of last Monday, I'm not dilated at all so we will see what happens Wednesday when I go back.

Everyone is ready... we are now to a point where every time I see someone they say "You haven't had that kid yet?!" Curtis gives him little pep talks every night and Mommy has resorted to begging. I know every little bit they get to bake is a plus and I am very grateful for that, but it's HOT and even as I type this, I have little feet protruding into my rib cage. Um, OUCH!

His big brothers are very anxious to meet him, too. When Curtis took them back to their mom's last week, he assured them that he would be back to get them once the baby got here and Clay's response was: "How long is that going to take, Dad?" lol who knows, buddy.

So, once again, I leave you with pictures of an inside baby. A friend of ours took some family/maternity pictures last week and I just got them back today!

How far along?:38w3d
How big is baby?:
Watermelon (19-22in, 7lbs)

Weight gain/loss?: +30lbs
Stretch marks?:
I look like I’ve been attacked by a wild animal
Maternity clothes?:
Definitely… and even some of those don’t fit

Sleep?: I have been sleeping much better the last few days

Labor signs: He’s dropping but that’s about it
Food cravings?: Fruit

Gender?: Still a boy.
Movement?: oh yea… feet in ribcage, anyone?
Belly button?:
still in but getting smaller and very flat looking
What are you looking forward to this week?:
nothing in particular… praying for progress on Wednesday