Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tick, tock, tick, tock

It's just been a waiting game this week... we know Curtis got his job at T-Mobile, we know where he will be working, we just don't know WHEN he will start. I wish they would hurry up! We need to get this ball rolling already!

I do have an interview tomorrow for an executive assistant position! My fingers are crossed... and my toes lol. This job would be great for us until I get out of school but I am a little concerned about my chances of getting it. I will only be in school 7 months and want to be able to move on to a job in my field when I get out and the position I am interviewing for is a permenant kind of job. I plan to go in there and give it all I've got and hope and pray for the best!

School has been insane this week with finals! Friday was my Microbiology lab final and this Friday is the class final. I also have an A&P lab final this week, the class final next Monday, then my Psychology final Thursday... then it's over! Whew this year is flying by! I can't wait until June when we get the kiddos! I miss them sooooo much!

We aren't even talking about my chart... it's on crack or something. I have no idea what's going on with my body and it's driving me insane!

Well after spending all afternoon cleaning our apartment, I'm exhausted and have a headache so I'm going to watch a movie and relax!

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