And the countdown is on... someone asked how long I had left the other day and I answered promptly with 13.5 weeks. I am getting very anxious and cannot wait to meet my little man!!
I got to have a very yummy *sarcasm* breakfast on Thursday of Glucola. I am not sad to say that I passed the 1-hour and do not have to drink that stuff again (anytime soon, that is). My number was 89 and I had to have below 140 to pass. Thank you, PCOS, for not screwing that up for me! Overall, the dr's appointment went very well. I had a quick pelvic exam, blood draw, measured my belly and listened to Z's heartbeat... I LOVE that sound! And I only gained a pound and a half over the 4 weeks since my last appointment.
I go back in 4 weeks, then starts every 2 weeks until 36 weeks when we start weekly and cervical checks... I'm so looking forward to those! *eyeroll*
Oh and my birthday was Friday... it was a pretty good day (minus drama with Curtis' ex-wife, which I will share later). We had dinner my FIL and just enjoyed a quiet night at home together watching movies. MUCH, MUCH better than last year, when I was in the midst of miscarrying!
And now for the pictures and survery:
26 weeks and my birthday (Friday)!
And I just had to share a picture of this adorable little guy... my friends new baby boy, Hunter Kade. Absolutely the sweetest little man ever!
How far along?: 26w4d
How big is baby?: Eggplant; 9in, 2lbs
Weight gain/loss?: +23.5 pounds
Stretch marks?: I have noticed one just left of my belly button
Maternity clothes?: Yup. I have very few pre-preg shirts that I can wear anymore
Sleep?: I have actually been sleeping this week and it has been so nice!!!
Food cravings?: hm… nothing really special. Random things at random times! Lol
Gender?: Still a boy.
Movement?: I have had a very lazy little man the last few days!
Belly button?: Unchanged
What are you looking forward to this week?: 3D ultrasound on Wednesday!!!! I can’t wait to see him again!
Happy belated birthday!