I have a working/training interview tonight at the bar I interviewed at the other day before they make a final decision. Basically, they want to see how I work before they hire me. I have to be in at 8 and she said I should be done between 10 and 11. I am excited... we need some good news.
We went out last night for my mom's birthday... we had a good time but we drove WAAAAYYY to far to do it. My dad works in Conroe (about an hour and a half away) and that's where most of his friends are so they wanted to go there for my mom's b-day. It's just too far to go drink then have to drive home. Fortunately, we rode with my aunt and uncle and didn't have to drive. Despite the drive, most everyone had a great time which was the goal.
Curtis has been studying like crazy for this A+ test tomorrow... wish him luck! Otherwise, I'm just enjoying my Sunday - relaxing at home with Curtis until time for this training interview... I hope it goes well! Oh, and in case you were interested, still no sign of AF and I finished the Provera a few days ago... still waiting....
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